LifePath Journey Interest Survey Fall 2024 - 1 Peter

To help us live out our mission to "Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships" we invite you to share how you'd like to participate this fall in our LifePath Journey based on 1 Peter.
Our LifePath Journey Options

Our Sermon Series this fall, entitled "Resilient Hope in a Restless World", is based on 1 Peter. In connection with this series, our next LifePath Journey will start the week of Sun, Sept 22nd. 

Please let us know below how you would like to join us in our LifePath Journey this fall.
Please select one option.
By Joining a LifeGroup

LifeGroups (regular commitment - weekly or bi-weekly):   

The main feature of a LifeGroup is that those involved share a common desire to journey towards Christ-likeness together.

LifeGroups are lead by a leader who leads by example, and helps the conversation stay focused on our experiences with Christ.
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Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Other Ways of Engaging:

Please select all that apply.
Discussion Groups (casual/regular attendance): meet at the church on Wed Nights during our LifePath Journey. You are free to come whenever you're able. No registration needed. 

Like a LifeGroup, Discussion Groups are lead by the same leader each week.

Discovery Squad (Gr. 1-6):
Where we discover more about Jesus and Ourselves While Making Friends!

When: Weds, Sept 25th – Oct 23rd (*5 weeks)
Where: WRBC Main Auditorium
Cost: Free!
Time: Immediately after Come to the Table. Doors open 6:50 pm
7 pm – 7:30 pm – Free Play
7:30 pm (optional pickup for younger children)
7:45 pm – 8:30 pm –  Inventor Fuzzywig’s WorkshopAll Things Made New!!
*Possible to extend to 9 weeks

Serving at Come to the Table

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Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Serving with Discovery Squad (Gr 1-6) Wed: 7 pm - 8:30 pm

Please select one option.


To help us live out our mission to "Make and Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships" we invite you to share how you'd like to participate this fall in our LifePath Journey based on 1 Peter.