Come to the Table - Oct 23rd

Oct 23rd 5:30-7:00pm | Come to the Table - a weekly meal for our church family and friends.
Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00pm
(supper served 5:30-6:30pm)

Registration closes Sunday evening.

Menu for Oct 23rd: Deconstructed Shepherd’s Pie Dessert: Peach Cobbler
*Subject to minor changes based on availability and pricing.

Cost: $7/person; $25/household (up to 4 family members in the same household; $5 for each additional member)

*Please note that we prepare for one portioned serving per person.

**If someone you've prepaid for can't attend, those funds will be refunded to you by our Greeters. Meals will not be set aside to take home for them.

Leftovers: If there is any food leftover at the end of the evening (around 6:45 pm), take out meals will be available for $5 from the kitchen counter. Need to store it? It can be labelled and placed in the Fireside Room Cooler for you.
1. Register your household:
If registering more than one individual from your family (same household), please put your name only as a representative.  
You will have the opportunity to register guests from outside your household separately in the Hospitality section of this form.  Thank you.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
2. Hospitality - Register guests from outside your household:
Have you met someone new at church you'd like to know better? Would you like to bring your neighbour/friend to our church family meal? We'd love you to make use of Come to the Table to show hospitality to others! If this interests you this week, please register them below.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
3. Gluten Free Meals ( Only if Needed. Must Be Ordered in Advance):
Gluten free meals are prepared and frozen in advance by our Kitchen Team - still delicious but different from menu listed above.
*Advise Kitchen Staff of your pre-ordered meal and they will bring it to you.
Please select one option.
4. Following the Meal:
You are welcome to stay and connect with others after dinner.
Please select all that apply.
5. Payment (online pre-payment preferred):
Payments processed through PayPal - PayPal account not required. Accept Debit or Credit card (MC, VISA, AMEX). If you don't have a PayPal account, choose 2nd option on the PayPal screen - "Pay with Debit or Credit Card".  Check-in at the "PrePaid" Table on Wednesday.
AT THE DOOR: Cash only. Check-in at the payment table on Wednesday.


Oct 23rd 5:30-7:00pm
Come to the Table - a weekly meal for our church family and friends.
Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00pm
(supper served 5:30-6:30pm)

Registration closes Sunday evening.

Menu for Oct 23rd: Deconstructed Shepherd’s Pie Dessert: Peach Cobbler
*Subject to minor changes based on availability and pricing.

Cost: $7/person; $25/household (up to 4 family members in the same household; $5 for each additional member)

*Please note that we prepare for one portioned serving per person.

**If someone you've prepaid for can't attend, those funds will be refunded to you by our Greeters. Meals will not be set aside to take home for them.

Leftovers: If there is any food leftover at the end of the evening (around 6:45 pm), take out meals will be available for $5 from the kitchen counter. Need to store it? It can be labelled and placed in the Fireside Room Cooler for you.